Hard Matters

เผยแพร่เมื่อ a year ago
Hard matters – the city is well; the people are well.
People create cities and they consequently shape people. A city where it is pleasant to live in, therefore, is a great space for various people, sparking ideas and making everyone feel welcome to live. When the city is livable, also lovable. These dimensions foster how people bond and care about their city.
A livable and healthy city
The concept of a livable city was initiated by the World Health Organization (WHO), originally using the term Healthy City. The word ‘good health’ nevertheless is relevant to many dimensions such as economic, social, cultural, natural environment, safety and stability. Therefore, the word ‘Livable City’ is adapted, delivering means of a city where people live well both physically and mentally.
Consisting of accessibility, social inclusion, comfort, and health, a well-designed city becomes the basis for urban development. The 10 principles of a livable city [1] are:
Human scale – compact, pedestrian-friendly, good walk.
Choices – a variety in housing, shopping, recreation, transportation and employment.
Mixed-use – integrating different land uses creates vibrant communities.
Urban centres – restoring, revitalising and infilling urban centres.
Vary transport – the option of walking, biking and using public transit.
Vibrant spaces – welcoming and well-defined public places, face-to-face interaction, and civic participation.
Identity – a sense of place gives neighbourhoods a unique character and creates pride.
Environment – a good balance of nature and development and protection of green and blue infrastructures.
Landscape – a conservation of the cultural landscape and urban ecosystem.
Design matters – excellent design is the foundation of a successful and healthy city.
Doing small
Although livable cities involve many physical dimensions, their application may start with a small process in a small area. We could participate in making a given place more livable and then link it to other places where our friends have made, collectively and continually connected until becoming a network of a livable city.
A livable city is not just indicated by its physicality, but mentality.
The city that is suitable for ‘living’ is measured by external factors such as weather, quality of the environment, infrastructure, safety and stability, and access to health care and education.
But a more touching measurement is our personal and emotional factors with simple questions leading to the creation of new possibilities, such as personal like or dislike, feeling of connection to friends and family, and traditions and spiritual connections [2]. These senses are related to how we physically use the city.
In this case, a livable city should be initiated from small things but with great meanings, delivering a new interpretation of ‘livability’. Communities can join and use old or less-used things to fulfil the quality of life, such as empty spaces, alleys, old buildings, abandoned areas, or any kind. Then we could connect small livable spaces by well accessibility and light the livable urban network up as a new challenge of Bangkok.
No need to redevelop, but care and search for more possibilities in the old ones.
Equally pleasant
Creators produce works for people but, what if they are different, how could we create a livable place for all?
The city is a gathering place for ideas, usages, and needs of different genders, ages, and societies. A livable and well-designed city must be inclusive of everyone. It should be noted that human diversity, equality and accessibility to services, and vulnerable groups are significant.
An equally livable city encourages everyone to reach well-being and a good quality of life. All of the children, youth, adults, and elderly can have good experiences in the environment. They have the right to walk, sit, lean back, and admire urban activities opened to all. [3] [4]
Design of proximity and happiness
Do you suddenly fall in love with a livable city? The line judge is ‘urban proximity’. What cultivates advantages of a livable city is to be able to reach livable things on people’s daily walking distances. City of proximity is the key to making cities livable and equal for all. It is a distance to access services, activities, urban spaces, and communities, where everyone can get by on their daily walking distances.
The design designed to be close is a vision that supports all to have rights, justice, quality, and health. Its dimension also interferes with and empowers the quality of life and makes the city more livable and sustainable.
Because they are close, they are equal. A livable city could be considered as a livable space nearby from the front doors, alleys, neighbourhoods, towns and cities. Urban amenities are maintained by providing products, services, activities, and linkages between people and places. All people are able to connect and share to do some things. Even though they are small projects, still make Bangkok a nicer place to live in.
The more people act, the better the city, and the better quality of life. All are welcome to weave our city by doing small livable things, connecting them into a livable network, and making equality. Let the city be the source of love that everyone wants to place ‘heart matters’ into ‘hard matters’.
[1] American Institute of Architects (AIA). (2023). 10 Principles for Livable Communities. Retrieved from https://modestoartmuseum.files.wordpress.com/2017/04/liv_10principles_flyer-1.pdf
[2] Oxford Big Ideas Humanities. (2023). Unit 2 Place and liveability: Liveable cities. Retrieved from https://www.oup.com.au/__data/assets/pdf_file/0030/58179/Chapter-5-Liveable-cities.pdf
[3] Cities for All. (2019). Inclusive and Accessible Cities. Retrieved from https://www.uclg.org/sites/default/files/inclusive_accessible_cities_policypaper.pdf
[4] Asian Development Bank. (2022). Inclusive Cities: Urban Area Guideline. Retrieved from https://www.adb.org/sites/default/files/publication/776806/inclusive-cities-urban-area-guidelines.pdf
Bangkok Design Week 2024
Livable Scape
hard matters . heart matters . design matters
27 Jan – 4 Feb 2024