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Five Clap

"Five Clap" Kids Collab Creative Design

“Five Clap” Kids Collab Creative Design A group of children ages 7-14 years with different aptitudes and preferences have collaborated to create different works based on each person's aptitude; such as TED Talk, Music Composition, Game Development, and various Art & DIY Projects, designing unique cartoon characters for each member to create games, products and brands under the “Five Clap” group. Inspiration “Children can exceed the expectations of adults.” “Turn play into projects.” “A creative children community for the work of children.” Exhibition - “DIY Mask” DIY by Aimmy - “Character Five Clap Design” Creative Story by Aimmy, Punn, Christ, Luke & Chein - “Digital Art” by Aimmy & Chein - “Game” Coding/Publishing Game by Luke & Chein - Music Producer & Game by “Five Clap Team Work” Five Clap Team - Aimmy, 14 years old: Team Leader and Artist, including Five Clap character design and DIY mask production - Punn, 11 years old: Fashion Designer and Group YouTuber - Luke, 10 years old: Story Creative, Coding and Group Drummer - Chein, 11 years old : Music Producer, Game Coder & Animator - Christ, 7 years old: Violin Lover and the Youngest Supporter
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