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Ten Fingers

Rooted Route

Different communities have their own beliefs, traditions, objects, architecture and ways of life. Some cultures are based on gods and superstitions. Some, on the people themselves and how they use their wisdom to address problems and quandaries to attain peace of mind. For example, the ancestors of one culture taught that one should not sweep at night; lest you would sweep away your fortune. This teaching was actually borne from the fact those olden homes had wooden planks for flooring where small objects could get swept into a crack and become lost in the dark of the night. Ten Fingers is interested in cultures rooted in the ways of life of people and started a project to study the diversity of cultures in each community, how they provide positive energy (NICE) to their members (URBAN). In collaboration with faculty and students at the Department of Jewelry Design, Faculty of Decorative Arts, SIlpakorn University, the project is using its findings to create jewelry designs that reflect the diversity and beauty of people-rooted cultures, so that wearers may carry their positive energy to wherever they go. Together with the department, Ten Fingers is conceptualizing jewelry production techniques and supporting students to create their own pieces to showcase at this year's Bangkok Design Week before possibly taking the designs to the commercial market.