Your Health, You Design
เผยแพร่เมื่อ 2 years ago
Your Health, You Design
Designs help take care of your health and better your quality of life
Taking care of one’s health is an important start to creating a healthy society. No matter what age or occupation, having a healthy body physically and mentally prepared to take on anything is vital to produce great creations. But everyone is different, and the health issues one has to deal with vary from one to another. Urbanites often suffer from office syndrome, depression, insomnia, stress stomach, etc. in order to urban‘NICE’ their life quality, BKKDW together with Paolo Hospital Phaholyothin holding special health support programs at the Public Relations Department park in Ari district with a group of health professionals and physiotherapists team up to provide personalized advice to each visitor on a healthy sustainable lifestyle, and providing health checks and balances programs, suggesting healthy exercise routines and postures. There’s also a showcase of the innovative patient care that has been developed through an empathetic approach to better ways in healthcare.
From pain point to gain point
Paolo Hospital Phaholyothin has been in the healthcare field for 50 years and has always prioritized patients first. With much experience in the field, Paolo Hospital has encountered various issues the patients have to experience. Although some problems seem small like patients’ loss of confidence wearing the hospital robe. So, by adding a little creativity and developing the design that can make patients feel more comfortable and confident. This helps patients and also new moms who have to wear the robe all day while breastfeeding their baby, giving them comfort and confidence during the guest visit. Other innovations like portable newborn baths that reduce accidents or newborn beds that capture memories digitally keeping the precious moments alive when we return to them. These innovations are the results of the care and recognition of patients’ experience, finding solutions, and turning ‘pain points’ into ‘gain points’ that went beyond healthcare toward patient care, comfort, and safety.
Design your tomorrow for better health
The role of design nowadays is important in developing a better quality of life. BKKDW wishes to be a space for creatives to explore new possibilities and utilize their potential to make their creations in various forms and dimensions. Inspire exchanges of opinions from people in various fields which leads to innovation that is helpful to society at large.
Bangkok Design Week 2023
4 – 12 FEB 2023