Cross-cultural innovations as co-creation boosters for urban
In the past decade, ‘co-operative creation’ (co-creation) and community regeneration through life-centred design and study developed by institutions that have an interest in sustainable urban development have gained more momentum. It also led to inclusivity for the society to become safe, resilient, and sustainable cities.
The city consists of complex and dynamic systems that keep evolving. It also raises questions on how multicultural incorporation can be an innovative tool through collaboration between the generations who see the values of diversity.
Let’s find out the answers through the talks from IED at BigMaker Webinar platform with the following speakers :
- Diana Larisa Rosioru, Designer and Alumni: IED
- Niramon Serisakul, Director: Urban Design and Development Center Bangkok: UddC
- Mediate by Simona Maccagnani : Head of the Research Center at IED Istituto Europeo di Design
IED (Istituto Europeo di Design) is an internationally recognised educational network with a 100% Italian DNA, having 12 sites operating in Italy, Spain, and Brazil. Every year IED welcomes more than 10,000 students from all over the world to join its courses in Design, Fashion, Visual Arts, Communication and Management, Art and Restoration. The course combines theory and practice and provides training experience by industry professionals and partner companies.
IED is committed to ensuring that students will become the future communicators of the universal language of design, professionally decipher and interact with complex disciplines, and identify solutions to enhance the quality of human life.
- Panelist 1: Diana Larisa Rosioru - IED Alumna / BCG Lead Strategy Designer
- Panelist 2: Niramon Serisakul - Director, Urban Design and Development Center Bangkok
- Panelist 3: Rut Turró Pascual - Inclusive Fashion Expert / CEO and Founder of Movingmood
- Host & Moderator: Simona Maccagnani - Head of the Research Center at IED Istituto Europeo di Design